A mile stone collaboration between ACH/TAZMA and University of gonder college of medicine & health science specialized hospital in advancing cardiovascular services
ACH´s mission and vision statement focuses mainly on knowledge transfer and expansion of cardiovascular services in Ethiopia. To this end, ACH has trained several interventional cardiologists in Scandinavian countries mainly in Sweden. Nurses also took part in the training in the same countries. Currently ACH provide advanced cardiovascular investigation and treatment. TAZMA provides, short of heart lung transplant all adult and pediatric cardiac surgery.
ACH has a MOU with Gonder University hospital since many years back. Internal medicine resident doctors have been stationed in ACH for 3 months and got a successful training mainly in Echocardiography and ICCU care. During their attachment period they were also exposed to other procedures like device implantation, function tests, and cardiac interventions. The recent visit to Gonder university hospital is not only to continue the cooperation but to expand and make it sustainable. Therefore, ACH /TAZMA are committed to accept internal medicine resident doctors from Gonder university hospital for 3 months (if necessary for longer period) attachment program. There is a serious ongoing discussion to raise the level of this training to a subspeciality program in cardiology.
There is a workable and promising strategy to conclude a triparty agreement among Gonder University Hospital, ACH/TAZMA and two well-known university hospitals in Sweden. Dr Fikru Maru and his family has donated ETB 1,000,000.00 (one million Eth. Birr) enough to train 3 internists in the attachment program at ACH/TAZMA.
Though we have committed and has started the cardiology attachment program with Gonder University Hospital, ACH/TAZMA are wholeheartedly open to all eligible and interested hospitals and health care institutions for similar cooperation.