Ethiopia Buna football club player’s check-ups at ACH.

ACH has a comprehensive general and cardiac check up programs providing to the general population and specific groups like professional/amateur athletes and football players.
All check ups and screenings are completed in one day.
ACH had a privilege of screening football players of Ethiopia Buna the most famous football club in Ethiopia. Applying the scientific guidelines for athletes and football players, which is a rigorous screening test, all Ethiopia Buna players were certified to participate on African Confederation Cup.

Medical Screening for football players
There are some details of the medical screening that is performed for international football players. This medical screening is very comprehensive, and is divided into the following components:
Personal Football History – details of playing position, dominant leg and number of games played in previous year.Medical History
Family history is medical condition. Player medical history. Current complaints and symptoms.Current medication and vaccination

General Medical Exam – a routine physical examination conducted by the doctor, such as blood pressure, heart and chest sounds, reflexes.
Special Cardiological Examination – Resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), Stress (exercise) ECG and Trans-Thoracic Echocardiography (TTE), (if indicated conducted during exercise.)

Laboratory Examination – a blood count and urine test is mandatory, with a range of other tests recommended.
Orthopedic Examination and Functional Tests – there are mandatory inspection and functional examination tests of the spinal column, shoulder, hip, knee, lower leg, ankle and foot. Other tests that are recommended are range of motion tests, muscle balance and muscle strength (one-leg hop).
Radiological Examination and Ultrasound Scan – if required based on the above examinations.